Log in to collect honey and unlock bee species / skins to play as!
Apis Mellifera
Enter your email and password to login.
Create Account
Enter the email and password you will be logging in with.
Workers Created:
Change Skin
Press unlocked skins to select them. Spend honey to unlock skins. Honey can be earned in-game by eating it, by completing challenge levels, or by purchasing them here.
Select a challenge to begin:
If logged in, completing challenges will award you with the listed amount of honey.
Sandbox mode has no specific objective to accomplish.
Customize your sandbox before you start.
Queen bee bots:
Green Spaces:
Starting Hives:
How to Play
Press and hold where you would like to go, and the queen bee will head there.
Place a hive with the 'new hive' button.
Press a nearby hive cell to select it. Place eggs in it with the 'lay egg' button.
Press one of your worker bees to select them. Choose one of three jobs that appear below them.
Forager: Collects pollen and nectar from flowers and brings it back to the hive.
Nurse: Gathers collected pollen bee bread and feeds it to your larva, beginning their transition into full-grown workers.
Builders: Eats honey and builds new cells into the hive.
Press 'attack' to toggle alarm pheromones. Your workers will begin attacking nearby rival bees and wasps.
If logged in with a player account, clicking 'eat honey' will add it to your account. Honey can be used to purchase new playable bee species and perks.
Update game libraries to hopefully improve performance.
Fixes to bee behavior, especially relating to alarm pheromone/attacking.
Small tweaks to main menu.
2022/2/19: ver. 0.11.7
Fix for the wasps checkbox during sandbox setup not working.
2021/9/11: ver. 0.11.5
Fix for crashes on challenge levels.
Fix for score text on challenge levels not getting repositioned properly when game window size changes.
2021/7/27: ver. 0.11.4
Fix for crash on narrow screens.
2021/7/27: ver. 0.11.3
Fix for graphical artifacts on animated bees and plants.
2021/4/18: ver. 0.11.2
Fix for newly-hatched workers spawning in invisible if the player wasn't logged in.
2021/4/3: ver. 0.11.1
Wizard Hat and Knight Helmet bees added.
Improved page loading time.
In-game performance improvements. Should run a little smoother than before on slower devices.
Fixes for a couple of crashes.
Fix for objects not being appropriately above or below other objects right after the game loads.
Joystick now jumps up above action buttons on very narrow screens to avoid overlapping them.
Action buttons on narrow screens squish together tighter to avoid getting cut off the side of the screen.
2020/9/4: ver. 0.10.11
Fix for game crashing on Sandbox when yellowjackets try to spawn.
Queen does more damage to enemy workers. Workers fight back even if not in alarm pheromone.
Fix for yellowjackets spawning trees rather than pupae.
Giant wasps take less damage when they get attacked.
2020/9/3: ver. 0.10.10
Trees produce pollen.
2020/9/3: ver. 0.10.9
Fix for challenge level 1 not tracking ai-controlled worker numbers properly.
Fix for being able to select the workers belonging to ai-controlled queens.
2020/9/2: ver. 0.10.8
Fix for ai-controlled workers wanting to do nothing but crowd around their queen.
Fix for challenge level 1 not spawning queens.
2020/9/1: ver. 0.10.7
Five new challenge levels added. Defeat all queens, defeat rising numbers of yellowjackets, and defeat both yellowjackets & giant wasps together.
Improved the code for setting up new challenges to make it easier to add new levels with different goals and setups.
2020/8/18: ver. 0.10.6
Fix for invisible queens for new users that haven't logged in.
2020/8/17: ver. 0.10.5
Added ability to purchase honey.
2020/8/6: ver. 0.10.4
Improvements made to the skins system to allow more easily to add new skins. Visual improvements to skin selection.
New hat skins added.
2020/7/21: ver. 0.10.3
Laying eggs moves the queen to the selected cell and plays an egg-laying animation.
Bee bread no longer floats around outside of their cell.
Bees and yellowjackets made less 'bouncy'.
Fix for movement getting disabled sometimes after pressing buttons (usually 'Eat Honey').
2020/7/8: ver. 0.10.2
Challenge Level 2: Defeat all the yellowjackets to win. Player loses when the queen bee dies.
Yellowjackets spawn with their own hive, create yellowjacket pupae, steal bee brood, and bring it back to their hive to feed to their young creating more yellowjackets.
Bee bread fades away a minute after it's created.
2020/6/30: ver. 0.10.1
Queen bees can attack things and can die.
Queen bees, workers, yellowjackets, and giant wasps play an attack animation when attacking.
Eating honey heals the queen bee.
Workers chase nearby enemy workers when attack is on.
2020/6/22: ver. 0.10.0
User stays logged in when the page reloads.
Play Solo split into a customizable sandbox mode and unlockable challenge levels. Birth 15 workers before other queen bees. More challenges to get added over time.
Main Menu design improved. Buttons turned into hexagons. Icons added to the buttons.
2020/5/25: ver. 0.9.14
Fix for crash when returning to main menu from in game.
Login persists on page reload. Log out button in profile page clears stored login.
2020/5/24: ver. 0.9.13
Due to server issues, multiplayer has been removed. User logins have been rebuilt using a new system.
2020/5/22: ver. 0.9.12
Graphic added to home screen replacing the game title.
Virtual joystick added. Enable it through settings. Much better control of the queen bee on touch screens than the point-and-click method of movement.
2020/3/14: ver. 0.9.11
Trees added.
2020/2/20: ver. 0.9.10
Ponds added.
2020/2/14: ver. 0.9.9
Game engine version updated and fixes made to accommodate that.
Game world increased in size.
2020/2/11: ver. 0.9.8
Yellow jacket and giant wasp spawn rate decreased.
Minimap camera follows the player.
Number of starter hives equals the number of queen bee bots on the map.
2019/12/27: ver. 0.9.7
Workers regenerate health over time.
Clicking your own worker shows its healthbar.
Job selection graphics and healthbar of selected worker now removed from the scene if the worker dies while being selected.
Brood carried by a yellow jacket when it dies is removed from the scene.
2019/11/3: ver. 0.9.6
Workers collide with the edge of the map.
Workers target nearby threats better and ignore threats that are too far away.
Only one giant wasp can spawn at a time.
Queen bees, giant wasps and yellow jackets fall down and bounce when they spawn in rather that simply instantly appearing in the world. Worker bees scale up like they're growing into the world.
2019/10/3: ver. 0.9.5
Yellow jackets return to get more food after dropping off stolen brood.
Yellow jackets and wasps attack each other.
Yellow jackets and wasp hp decreased a little.
Yellow jackets don't automatically spawn as long as some are still alive.
2019/10/1: ver. 0.9.4
Yellow jackets added to the game. They group up, attack hives, steal bee brood, then carry it off the map to feed to their babies and make more yellow jackets.
2019/09/16: ver. 0.9.3
Set number of queen bee bots in the settings menu (0 through 10, default: 1).
Queen bees no longer create honey.
Background shadow on text in the How To Play modal darkened to give text more contrast against the background.
2019/09/03: ver. 0.9.2
Queen bees can now pick up and carry pollen and bee bread just like the workers can.
Removed the occuli from the sweat bee graphics.
Preview egg when players select hive cells no longer drifts away from its cell.
Solo mode bots are assigned a random species/skin everytime the game loads.
A handful of minor bug fixes made.
2019/08/28: ver. 0.9.1
Fix for bee bread and pollen flying away.
2019/08/27: ver. 0.9.0
Skin selection improved.
Skin selection separated from profile.
Shop removed. Unlock skins from skin selection screen.
Selected skin remembered next time user reloads the game.
Current skin selection shown directly on Lobby screen.
Perks of logging in shown to users before they log in.
Sweat bee skin added.
2019/08/24: ver. 0.8.13
Fix for bees colliding with each other and pushing each other in a very jarring way. Collisions between bees look much more natural now.
Hide tutorial by default if it has been seen before.
2019/08/21: ver. 0.8.12
Fix for sound getting stuck when returning to the lobby from play.
2019/08/18: ver. 0.8.11
Fix for changing screen orientation on a phone squishing the resolution of the game.
Fix for sound being disabled by default.
2019/08/18: ver. 0.8.10
Fix for crashing when bees die.
Lobby screen layout improved for narrow phone screens.
2019/08/12: ver. 0.8.9
Settings added to lobby. Toggle animations and sound before play.
Minimap shows whole playable area.
2019/08/08: ver. 0.8.8
All unlockable skins now animated rather than lifeless static sprites.
2019/08/01: ver. 0.8.7
Logins saved so players are automatically signed back in when the game is reloaded.
Dead bumble bees, blue, violet, and cat bees have their own sprite rather than reusing the dead honey bee.
2019/03/06: ver. 0.8.6
Wasp animation gets removed when wasp dies.
2019/03/05: ver. 0.8.5
Wasp animated flying and idle.
2019/02/19: ver. 0.8.4
Message for waiting in line for opponent moved to multiplayer box instead of alert box in top-right of the screen.
Button added to cancel looking for opponent.
2019/02/12: ver. 0.8.3
Fix for crash when returning to lobby.
2019/02/5: ver. 0.8.2
Bees have an idle animation for moving almost not at all, walking when moving slowly, and flying when full speed.
Plants animated to sway a bit.
Bug fixes related to removing disconnected opponents.
2019/02/2: ver. 0.8.1
Fix for animated bees not getting selected when clicked.
Remove animated bees when player disconnects.
Added animated bees to main menu lobby.
Queen bee on lobby flies around to random locations.
2019/02/1: ver. 0.8.0
Honey Bees and Bumble bees are now animated!
Animations added for flying and attacking.
2019/01/25: ver. 0.7.5
Fix for crash in multiplayer matches related to birthed workers.
2019/01/25: ver. 0.7.5
Fix for crash in multiplayer matches related to birthed workers.
2019/01/23: ver. 0.7.4
(Play Store) Frequency of ads decreased.
2019/01/19: ver. 0.7.3
Logs and boulders added. Purely cosmetic for now.
2019/01/16: ver. 0.7.2
Cells where workers have been birthed out of can be used again.
2019/01/13: ver. 0.7.1
Fix for alarm pheromone not working properly in multiplayer matches.
Buzzing sound stops when a worker dies.
Alarm pheromone particle emitter and buzzing sound stops when player disconnects.
2019/01/11: ver. 0.7.0
Leaderboard displays only connected players, removes disconnected players, and sorts by number of workers in descending order.
Players no longer get game over when all their workers are dead.
2019/01/7: ver. 0.6.7
Hide tutorial button removed.
Can no longer place a hive on top of an existing hive.
2018/12/30: ver. 0.6.6
Crown bee for Patreon supporters glows.
2018/12/24: ver. 0.6.5
Fix for crash when brood gets killed by mites on multiplayer matches.
2018/12/19: ver. 0.6.4
Fix for crash on Android.
2018/12/19: ver. 0.6.2
Menu ads removed. Patreon link added.
Queen bee with crown skin for Patreon patrons added.
2018/12/17: ver. 0.6.1
Ai-Controlled queen bees respond to threats by emitting alarm pheromone.
2018/12/04: ver. 0.6.0
Ai-Controlled queen bee added to single-player matches.
Workers belong to nearest queen bee upon hatching.
Control your territory or risk someone else claiming your pupae.
2018/11/27: ver. 0.5.6
Tooltips added to teach players how to play in-game.
Honey slighly transparent.
2018/11/12: ver. 0.5.5
Echinacea added to main menu.
2018/11/10: ver. 0.5.4
Echinacea added as new flower specie.
2018/11/08: ver. 0.5.3
Bees buzz, they buzz in the notes of B Major, and they buzz louder the closer they are to the queen.
New profile data displays "0" on account stats instead of "undefined".
2018/10/12: ver. 0.5.2
Male drone bee added. Mates with queen at the beginning of the game, then dies.